身為華人世界的一份子,來到中國的萬里長城,回想著長城的歷史興衰,格外令人發思古之幽情。那一天,我懷著無比期待的心情,準備踏上萬里長城最雄偉秀麗的精華段落之一 —— 北京慕田峪長城。
Being myself a member
of the Chinese world made coming to the Great Wall of China, and recollecting
the history of the Great Wall's rise and fall, all the more nostalgic. That
day, I held a mood of immense anticipation, and prepared to climb one of the
Great Wall's most quintessential locations of majestic beauty- Beijing 's Great Wall at Mutianyu.
For me, the Great Wall as it
appeared in history books from my past was about as real as it could get.
However, I definitely did not expect myself, in an
almost thrilling and fantastic way, to be
approaching step by step in front of the magnificent Great Wall……
As a result of the tight schedule
for tour groups, we didn't have time to walk slowly, so we chose to take a kind
of ski lift to climb atop the Great Wall. After another member of the group and
I sat on the lift, I discovered that the bench didn't have any safety or
protective barriers whatsoever, there was only one rail at the front which
allowed your feet swing freely in the air. Then in the middle of an emerald
green valley, the rocking chair lift rose toward the Great Wall, gradually
going higher and higher. It was like we were sitting on a rickety swing,
terrified that a backpack or camera would accidentally fall into the valley
However, that feeling
of being high in the sky, among the valley's lush woods, green pines and
cypresses at a zero distance, was really something special. It's like you more
or less become Tarzan, the king of the forest, jumping from treetop to treetop.
We prepared to land on the other side of the valley, as it was increasingly
approaching, the Great Wall appeared even more magnificent.
Additionally, even more
surprising was that, as I looked down from the chair lift, I discovered a long
strip of winding slide that stretched from the Great Wall all the way to the
base of the foothills. It looked like an enormous type of slide in the valley, with a team of small sleds
in the winding curvy chute, shuttling around the tall and exuberant groves
exactly like a scene from a fairy tale. As I sat in the chair lift on its
breathtaking ascent to the Great Wall, my heart also secretly hoped that
momentarily, while descending the Great Wall down the mountain, I would also
become the protagonist of this fairytale, riding a small sled and sliding
freely in the mountain forest! What a dream that would be!
Atop the Great Wall was a clear
and boundless sky, full of power and grandeur, and scenery vast and beautiful
withal. You realize how this was an important line of defense for the Chinese
nation against foreign aggression, and how it has also been viewed as a world
wonder of architectural history; it is just like an enormous dragon winding and
wheeling around the mountains. Myself along with several members of the tour
group stepped along the Wall's layers of ancient stairs, climbed up tower after tower and surmounted a cannon block across from an ancient wall, ...when suddenly, my
intuition told me that it was time to follow the original path back to the
entrance, because the time to reassemble was approaching and I still really
wanted to take the "slide" I just saw down the mountain, and maybe a
lot of tourists were lined up to ride the sleds. When I figured the time, I
thought I had better take the way back.
However, a few other members
wanted to keep climbing on, to ascend toward another cable car platform on the
Great Wall, even holding up a guide map assuredly telling me that this other
platform also had a slide I could take down the mountain. So, with a bit of
skepticism, I continued to follow everyone to the other cable car. This next
section of the Great Wall was incredibly steep, with the bright sun bearing
down, we were only able to climb one arduous step at a time, until after some
difficulty we arrived at the other cable car platform. I did not expect to
suddenly notice cable cars, yet no slide. As it turned out, the member of the
tour group looked at the map wrong, and so I was misled. Preoccupied with feelings
of disappointment, I was more frustrated at
myself for not trusting my own intuition at the time. I myself didn't even take
a good look at the guide map, I just followed everyone when I could have been
leisurely boarding a sled, shuttling down a slide in the mountain forest,
completing the journey of my fairytale dream.
Actually, at this time we only
had a half hour until the group reunited. Several members of the group had
decided to take the cable car down the mountain to meet up with the others, but
among them there was one member, and she really wanted to ride down the slide.
We both asked one of the drink vendors on the path how much time would we need
to travel back to the slide entrance on the other side of the Wall. He said the
route back was basically all downhill, so about 20 minutes give or take. So, we
decided to quickly run back. Perhaps there was still a chance to realize my
dream! Only thing is, for the return trip we had no intent on going to the
points of interest to appreciate the scenery of
Great Wall and the scenic mountain views surrounding it. This return trip was
hurried; we had to sprint all the way back. Originally we were two companions
running together on the Great Wall, but her feet were astonishingly fast, like
she had practiced flying KungFu skills before, and in no time, she disappeared
without a trace.
At that time, I felt like I had
been abandoned. Looking ahead at the Great Wall's winding staircase, I was all
alone, feeling anxious, panting heavily while
running, once again passing through all those towers,
all the layers of stone steps, underneath the scorching sun, I was
really able to experience first hand the "Great"-ness of such an
endless wall!
Fortunately, I believe the Lord
was with me all the way, otherwise I really would have been too lonely! I
prayed as I ran. I discovered that the Wall's towers looked alike, and the roads looked alike, so I was
worried that I would miss the slide entrance. Just as I was doubting myself
about whether or not I had run too far, there was a foreigner who suddenly asked
me to help him take a picture, and because this made me stop my feet, I
unexpectedly noticed that around the corner, down along a narrow line of stone
steps, was the entrance to the slide! I thanked God for leading me to find the
way out.
Sure enough, there was a crowd of
people at the entrance in a long line, and although I expended a lot of hard
work to get to this point, the time to regroup was looming. After going through
an internal dilemma, I chose to do the right thing, which was to board the same
ski lift down the mountain, located next to the slide without any line at all,
meet up on time, while saving the hope for a journey down the slide until the
next time I visit! I punctually boarded the tour bus, and just happened to
realize that the fast sprinter, the member who abandoned me and left, really
hadn't gotten on the bus? Had she really decided to play on the slide and make
an entire bus of people wait just for her? Everyone waited on her for quite
some time, and even started to worry about her safety. Finally, she tiredly
boarded the bus, turns out, she ran all the way across the Great Wall, sprinted
too far, missed the exit, got lost on the Great Wall, and couldn't find the
exit. Haste makes waste indeed.
這趟難忘的長城旅程,讓我深刻感受到,我們都需要找到屬於自己的生命節拍,踏著屬於你的步伐,走上屬於你的道路。我們必須清楚自己究竟想要什麼, 而非跟著人群或潮流走。我們要去聆聽內心的感動與直覺,留意神對我們的引導。在凡事講求快速的時代,我們更需要學習「慢活」,適時地停下腳步,找著生命的出口。
This unforgettable Great Wall
tour, made me feel deeply that we all need to find our own rhythm of life, a
march of your own pace, taking the path which belongs to you. We must be clear
on what we ultimately want, and avoid following crowds or trends. We should
listen to our inner feelings and intuition, and pay attention to the God's
guidance. In an era where everything emphasizes rapidity, we ought to learn
"slow living", to timely stop our pace and seek the exit of life.
神行事必定有祂最好的時間和方式。聖經傳道書提醒我們:萬事都有定時,「生有時,死有時;……拆毀有時,建造有時;哭有時,笑有時;哀慟有時,跳舞有時……尋找有時,失落有時;保守有時,捨棄有時;……神造萬物,各按其時成為美好,又將永生安置在世人心裏」(傳道書三2-4, 6, 11)
Acts of God
undoubtedly are His best time and way. Ecclesiastes reminds us, there is a time
for everything: "there is a time to be born, and a time to die......a time
to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to
mourn and a time to dance...a time to search and a time to give up, a time to
keep and a time to throw away......God has made everything beautiful in its
time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men" (Ecclesiastes 3:2-4,
6, 11)
Can you hear the rhythm of life
that belongs to you? It's like a drum beating from your heart, shaking your
作者:譚亞菁 Mar. 4, 2013
Translated by Parker