在《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》(Life of Pi)這部探討信仰的電影中,很自然地,會將觀眾的目光導向人與上帝之間的關係。尤其特別的是,主角Pi同時信奉印度教、基督教、伊斯蘭教三種宗教,讓人不禁思索一個問題,也正是電影中Pi的父親在全家用餐時對他說:「你同時信仰三個宗教,不就等於什麼都不信?」然而,Pi的母親接下來所說的話,也同樣發人深省,她說:「給Pi這一段追尋信仰的過程,這對他是好的……」
"Life of Pi", a film
that explores faith, naturally will draw the audience's attention to the
relationship between man and God. The most
interesting aspect of this is the protagonist Pi, who simultaneously believes
in three religions: Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. People cannot help but
think this to be a problem, which is also what Pi's father says to Pi in the
film during a family meal, "You have faith in three religions, is that not
the same as no faith at all?" However, Pi's mother's following words are
also thought provoking, she says, "Give Pi time to seek out faith, it will
be good for him..."
人生不就是一段尋尋覓覓的過程嗎?舉凡尋找合適的學校、理想的工作、心目中的Mr. / Miss Right、幸福的婚姻、人生的夢想,真實的信仰。其中信仰更是一生的追尋,關乎生命的核心價值。它好比生命列車的火車頭,帶領各節車廂在軌道上奔馳。
life just a prolonged period of searching? Just like looking for the right
school, the ideal job, your heart's Mr./Miss Right, a happy marriage, your
life's dream, a true faith. Among these, faith is even more so a lifelong
pursuit, relating to the core value of life. It can be considered the engine to
the train of life, one that leads the other train cars rolling
quickly down the tracks.
When you find the
right faith values, it's kind of like a metaphor for buttons. When the first
button on the clothing is fastened correctly, each button below is able to fasten
in its place one by one. On the other hand, if the first button is fastened
incorrectly, what follows is a series of errors.
Erroneous faith values are like
holes in a towel. Every time I discover a small hole forming in my beloved
washcloth, then it's almost the time when I must say goodbye to it. No matter
how tiny that hole is, no matter how that towel at a glance looks lovely and
comfortable, it won't be long until the hole becomes more torn and sizeable,
the small hole turns into a big hole, and finally, it all falls apart.
You can often hear
people say, faith is only a kind of spiritual comfort, yet it's not that
simple. It deeply affects the value systems for all aspects of life, even so
far as to be inseparable from life's salvation; it relates to your past,
present, and future. One of God's most precious gifts to humanity is allowing
us to have free will. Although Almighty God has the ability to make us into a
group of robots that will only act in accordance to His will, He has not done
so. He yearns to establish a relationship with us based on real interaction; He
has given us the freedom to think, to feel, to search, to choose. Therefore, we
shouldn't ever blame God for not preventing humanity's first ancestors, Adam
and Eve, from eating the forbidden fruit, which allowed sin to enter our world.
As for searching, God
gave us a great promise: "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you
will find; knock, and the door will be opened
to you." (Matthew 7:7). I am convinced that for those people who are
willing to truly come before God, and to seek Him earnestly,
God will reveal Himself to them, He will lead them to find the answers to life!
Boldly search for true
faith! Faith is not used to desperately persuade others, or to have heated
arguments with people; faith is used to sincerely pursue and experience God and the true faith. Give yourself and
others some decent space! Even God is not forcing us, so why should we force
ourselves or whoever?
As for me, I've always believed
that God is love, He has given us everything, all of which are the greatest
gifts and are never second best, because He wants us to enjoy His gift of all
things and precious life, as well as give all the glory to God! Therefore, I am
not happy with a mediocre life, I yearn to complete my life's mission given to
me by God, walking in the most beautiful plan God has prepared for me. I
believe that when you come near to God, He will come near to
you (James 4:8), as long as you are willing, God will happily open your mind's
eye, to better know Him, to know everlasting unchanging truths, to experience
His realness and compassion, to live a new abundant life, surpassing all you
could ever ask for or think of. This is my belief, it is also my prayer for you.
作者:譚亞菁 Feb. 4, 2013
Translated by Parker