彷彿穿越時光隧道,我手持一張仿造當年鐵達尼號(TITANIC)的登船證,重返一百年前由白星航運公司(WHITE STAR LINE)打造的超級豪華巨輪,那艘當時世界第一,高度相當於11層樓,號稱「永不沉沒」的鐵達尼號郵輪。
As if I've
traveled through a time warp, my hand holds a replica of a boarding pass for
the Titanic, going back a hundred years to when the White Star Line built a
super luxury ship. In those days, that ship was no. 1 in the world, the height of an 11 story building,
the Titanic, known as the "unsinkable" ship.
I took the "Titanic
Artifacts" world tour exhibition on its last day, accompanied by my own
imagination and all the shock and emotion given to me by the historical romance
film "Titanic". I journeyed a hundred years into the past, and examined actual artifacts
relating to this "dream boat", as well as the precious
relics excavated by modern explorers from the shipwreck site and debris, over
three thousands meters under the sea.
As I looked at the wall
hung with picture after picture of black and white photographs and captions,
saw the hull models and blueprints, examined remnants recovered from the deep
sea: hull parts, daily necessities, ornaments, clothing, letters and other
artifacts; at the same time, experiencing a replicated walkthrough of the first
class, second class, and third class quarters and daily diet, and even as
I came in contact with an iceberg, to experience its intense bite of cold and
despair...at that time, in that moment, I seemed to be the embodiment of the
ship's passengers, immersed in experiencing the pomp, joy, and dreams, the luxury and class, and the tragedy of human nature on the Titanic's maiden voyage.
Although the poignant love
story of the characters Jack and Rose from the movie Titanic is fictional, but
the real story of the passengers on board is just as soul-stirring. This luxury
liner set sail from England's Southampton to New York. Different 'classes' of
passengers used different entrances. In the first-class quarters, most passengers
were among the top tier social elite, the world's most influential, wealthiest,
and sophisticated people. Passengers in the second class cabin were mostly
middle class, newly married, as well as people who were on vacation. The third
class cabin, however, was packed full of various ethnicities and different
nationalities, planning to go to North America in search of a better life, in
pursuit of the American dream. The movie Titanic depicts a poor boy Jack who,
with no regard for class distinction, falls in love with the rich girl Rose,
and brings her to a renewed enjoyment of the freedom and dignity of life, a
sacrificial love, that will always protect her, saving her completely!
I looked at the passenger's real information on the back of
the "boarding pass" I had received, he was a second-class passenger,
32 years old at that time, he had already worked hard in America for a while,
his occupation was construction craftsmen, and he had just returned to his
hometown in England to marry his sweetheart. Before the Titanic set sail, they
had only been married a few days, they were one pair among the 20 or so
newlyweds on board the ship.
展場出口處有一大面牆,上面是當時在鐵達尼號上所有乘客的名單。鐵達尼號在1912年4月15日 凌晨2時20分沉沒,全船2228人,僅有705人獲救,1523人罹難。這面大牆前面擠滿了參觀的群眾,大家拿著各自的「登船證」,在牆上密密麻麻的名單中,尋找手中「登船證」背面所記載那名乘客的名字,想了解該名乘客當時的命運如何。
At the exhibition exit there was a huge wall, which had all
of the passengers' names aboard the Titanic at that time. The Titanic sank on
April 15, 1912 at 2:20 in
the early morning. Out of all 2,228 people, only 705 were saved; 1523 people
were killed. The front of this enormous wall was packed with the visiting
public, everyone taking their "boarding pass", and among the dense
list of names on the wall, searched for the recorded name of the passenger from
the back of the "boarding pass" in their hand, wanting to understand
what that passenger's fate was when the ship sank.
All the gold in the world can't buy hindsight! At that time
almost everyone believed that this was an 'unsinkable' ship, so there were only
enough lifeboats on board for one third of the passengers to use. Later, when
the Titanic sank after accidentally hitting an iceberg, over 1500 people were
lost at sea, and the saddest part is, there were twenty lifeboats nearby, but
only one choose to return to save others. Out of the passengers lost at sea,
only six were rescued, a majority of people, due to treading in freezing
waters, experienced hypothermia and died.
I once again
took a close look at the passenger information on the back of "boarding
pass" in my hand, which had the full names of both this passenger and his new
wife. As I stood in front of that wall searching for their names, I suddenly
felt so sad, I thought, "when this luxury cruise ship collided with an
iceberg in the frigid Atlantic, out of the twenty or so newlyweds on board, we
don't know how many were just like Jack and Rose from the movie 'Titanic', with
original sweet encounters friendships and time together, suddenly changed into
an unforgettable parting, never to meet again. In the serious shortage of
lifeboats situation, under the gentleman's sentiment of "woman and
children first" to escape, most of the people rescued were women and
children. We don't know how many men parted with their wives and children
forever on the boat, how many families, how many lovers were forced into
eternal separation. Who knows how many of those dreams were broken. Among this
crowded list of passengers, we cannot know all the moving, sad stories hidden
behind them.
I decided to
stop looking for their names and fate, and just let myself imagine that both of
them were rescued safely, going about their happy lives together! From another
perspective, all of the passengers recorded on this wall, whether they were
saved or became victims at that time, have all already parted with this world.
The last sole survivor of the Titanic, who at the time was still a baby, had
passed away in 2009. Everything in this world will pass, but the book of
Revelation mentions the "book of life" again
and again, and Jesus also said to his disciples "rejoice that your
names are written in heaven" (Luke 10:20). Perhaps we really should take
note of this "Kingdom of Heaven Citizens Roster", and seriously
consider this question: Is your name recorded in "The Book of Life"?
鐵達尼號沈船之前,船上樂團仍盡職地演奏著樂曲,撫慰人心,電影「鐵達尼號」也呈現了這動人的一幕:當樂團演奏最後一首聖詩「與主更親近」(Nearer My
God to Thee),在鐵達尼號陡斜的甲板上,有一名神父為即將罹難的旅客們禱告,求主赦免他們一生的罪過,他向主祈求說:「我看見新天新地,之前的天地不見了,人們成為祂的子民,上帝將與他們同在,做他們的神,上帝將擦乾他們的眼淚,不會再有死亡,沒有悲傷哭泣,也不會再有痛苦,先前的世界已成過去……」。
Before the
Titanic sank, the ship's orchestra still dutifully played music, to pacify
people. The movie "Titanic" also presents this touching scene: When
the musicians play their last hymn "Nearer My God to Thee", on the
steep deck of the Titanic, a priest says a prayer for the soon to be perished
travelers, praying to pardon the sins of their lives, he prayed to the Lord
" I see a new heaven and a new earth, when the
old heaven and earth disappear, the people will become His people, and
God will be with them and be their God. He shall wipe away all tears from their
eyes, there shall be no more death, sorrow nor
crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former world has passed
Life is like a
vast ocean, and we are all passengers aboard the Titanic, we all need
redemption. We see the iceberg ahead, and we foolishly believe that we have
eluded the iceberg ahead, thinking we already have peace and safety, thinking
there isn't a problem....turns out that we only see the iceberg above the sea,
which is merely the tip of the iceberg, we've already hit the jagged iceberg
below the surface, and we don't even know it! We all need to sit in a lifeboat,
we all need to be redeemed! Let us not fall into the eternal cold and
作者:譚亞菁 Sep. 25, 2013
Translated by Parker