2015年4月4日 星期六

婚姻的迷思 The Myth of Marriage

(本文刊載於國度復興報 2015年3月8日)          


        Whether in the East or West, there are countless books, songs, plays, and movies about love. Like Shakespeare's famous tragedy "Romeo and Juliet", Chinese Literature's famous masterpiece "Dream of Red Mansions", the classic love movies "Gone With the Wind", "Titanic', and Chiung Yao's love stories and television dramas, etc., as well as pop music, half of which are all love songs. "Love" is a theme that seemingly never has enough said about it and never gets old! Because in deep in everyone's mind, we all long to "love and be loved".


        However, the desire for love and the fear of getting hurt, is a common ambivalence. Nowadays, marriage phobia and divorce rates are on the rise. Young people don't marry, don't have kids, truly gives parents anxiety. I remember last time I went on a trip to Beijing, I saw a scene at Zhongshan Park that surprised me: At that time, underneath a row of willow trees on the river in the park, was packed with people. I curiously walked toward the crowd by the riverside. Along the way I saw many older people sitting on benches, stuck on the ground in front of each bench was a large sheet of paper. I closely examined those papers to see what was written exactly, when suddenly I realized, it was a "Blind Date Convention"! Each paper had written their child's characteristics, and the characteristics their child desired in a partner, clearly stated, including education, appearance, housing, salary, height, etc. requirements. A majority of the people on-site were the dads and moms of unmarried children, eagerly searching for spouses on behalf of their son or daughter. Although I witnessed a lively scene at the "Blind Date Convention", thinking it was new and interesting, but at the same time I felt a kind of lament, deeply feeling like selecting your other half was like selecting "merchandise", making people unable to help but wonder, are people in this kind of "materialistic" marriage going to be happy?

       前陣子看了一部頗受好評的電影「控制」(Gone Girl),這部電影充滿懸疑的氣氛,男主角尼克在結婚紀念日的早晨,發現妻子愛咪無故失蹤,從人間蒸發。 原本一切線索都指向尼克是冷血的殺妻兇手,最後其實是妻子精心設計的騙局。這部電影描述了一段變調的婚姻關係,而且正如電影的中文譯名「控制」,點出了整部電影的核心,就如片中的台詞,尼克:「我們在一起不會快樂的,只會控制彼此,互相傷害、憎恨。」 愛咪:「但這就是婚姻。」當我聽到這段對話,突然閃過一個念頭:如果我還沒結婚,聽見這樣定義婚姻,早就嚇壞了,還有誰敢結婚?
        I recently saw a critically acclaimed film "Gone Girl". This film is filled with an atmosphere of suspense, the male protagonist Nick discovers on the morning of his wedding anniversary that his wife Amy disappeared with no explanation, vanished into thin air. At first, all clues point to Nick as being the cold-blooded murderer of his wife, until later it was shown to be his wife's elaborate hoax. The film depicts a shift in tone for marital relationships, and as the Chinese translation of "control" for the film's name points out its central theme, so too do these lines from the film: Nick: "Yes, I loved you and then all we did was resent each other, try to control each other. We caused each other pain." Amy: "That's marriage." When I heard this dialogue, a sudden thought flashed through my mind: If I wasn't married yet, and heard this definition of marriage, I'd be frightened, who still dares to get married?


        Interestingly enough, after over a decade of marriage, sometimes I'll be asked by people: How is it that you are able to be with another person for so long and yet not lose the feeling of love? In other words, I think this question is just like the old saying "Is marriage the tomb of love?" Actually, I feel as though, in a certain sense, "marriage is the beginning of love", such are the feelings that I've only begun to slowly experience after over ten years of marriage.


 There is a metaphor about marriage which is quite apt, and it is that marriage is like a "puzzle". Every little piece of the puzzle has different bumps and gaps, and in the course of piecing it together, we have to constantly flip, turn, and adjust each puzzle piece's position until every puzzle piece notches together, finally completing the entire picture.


The puzzle process is just like actual married life, two people from different family backgrounds, neither side of which is perfect, in order to make their own and their partner's life picture more complete, need to frequently "butt heads" with each other. This "break-in" adjustment process is often dull, almost unpleasant, and seems far removed from so-called "romantic love". If we are in a marriage, and place focus on the feeling of love, this kind of marriage will be difficult to sustain, because those "feelings" are not solid; they, just like waves in the ocean, have ups and downs, and change unpredictably.


        During marriage's "puzzle" adjustment phase, as time goes on, the more you realize the feeling of love is just one side of it, and that the original element of love is certainly not the only thing encompassed by experiencing love. Love also includes much of what is seemingly unromantic, because it is on a deeper level, and aside from basic mutual trust, there is mutual tolerance, and mutual forgiveness. As the Bible instructs us for "the true meaning of love": Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy...it always protects, it always trusts, it always hopes, it always perseveres. Love never fails. Conviction that such a depth of "true love" never fails, is the secret of a successful marriage! Married life is the best place to nurture "the seed of true love".


        I once believed that girls who don't love sweet nothings, or flowers and gifts, or words of praise, are few in number. The daily treatment of women is to speak kindly, to concede more, to be more humorous; if such simple things can make women happy, why not do them? This was also once my dissatisfaction and doubt toward my husband. Take a real life example for instance, whenever I put a lot of effort into preparing a hearty dinner for our family, the kids and I often eat it with gusto, but my husband, even when it's delicious, just says "it’s alright", and when he doesn't think it tastes good, he won't even eat! Before, I would always be angry because of this, but gradually, I appreciated the value of "truth", giving each other space to express true feelings, how is that not an expression of love? I also discovered my tolerance greatly increased. I would no longer be stingy with praise for his meals because of his lack of praise for mine, I really like eating his seafood risotto, as well as his Mediterranean pasta. As far as I'm concerned, he cooks a meal from the heart, which is more than any number of sweet nothings. I began to feel that there are many ways to express love, many things can be spoken with the mouth, but that's simple; action is the only truly charming way to express love.


        Because of our shared beliefs, my husband and I have many of the same values, but in character, there are a lot of differences between us. Those differences enrich our lives, letting us learn to see things with a different perspective, but they also cause a fair amount of conflict and discord in our lives. Because he emphasizes principles and discipline, and I emphasize feelings and flexibility, it's easy to generate friction, especially on matters of raising children. Sometimes I'll feel frustrated and misunderstood. Every time this happens, I would run to our Father's arms, crying out to our Father, and entrust Him with my difficulties and problems. God truly is wonderful. He always hears our prayers. He renews mine and my husband's life circumstance, He comforts our wounded hearts, and allows us to, from those seemingly unpleasant disputes, learn even more about tolerating each other, understanding each other, and loving each other. Because God the Father is the source of love, when my husband and I are closer to God, naturally, we're able to get even more of "the power of love" that comes from God!

       婚姻中的夫妻關係,絕非彼此「控制」,而是神賜給彼此的「禮物」,連那些 婚姻生活中的難題、紛爭,都是「禮物」的一部份,為了要使雙方的生命視野更加拓展、更加遼闊,共同拼出一幅絕美風景!

        The relationship of husband and wife in a marriage, is definitely not one of mutual "control"; rather, it is a "gift" given by God to each other, whereby even those married life problems and disputes are all just one part of the "gift", so that both side's life perspective is more expanded, and more vast, together piecing out a beautiful scenery!

作者:譚亞菁 Dec. 18, 2014

Translated by Parker Gadbois

