2015年6月1日 星期一

星星的聯想 Starry Thoughts


 (本文刊載於基督教論壇報 2015年5月6日)      

      How long has it been since you've seen a starry sky? I miss going to suburban fields, absent of light pollution, laying on top a large patch of soft grass, breathing its fragrance, and with arms outstretched, embrace the sky, gazing at the heavens above filled with stars. For every bright star I see, how far are you away from me? Beneath boundless starlight, my mood is so relaxed; I can't help but admire the vast universe, feel my own insignificance, and think about our Creator's wonderful work. The immense contrast between vastness and insignificance shocks me, yet also fascinates me. Under this endless stretch of starry sky, unconsciously, I toss my troubles skyward.


      When night falls, I've made a habit of looking up. Even though the city's light pollution is severe, at night I still enjoy stargazing, looking for the brightest star, and if I happen to find a lot of bright stars, it's as if each star represents a blessing, like tomorrow's weather will most likely be good.


      Depression is one of the diseases of our modern civilization. Even I have a number of close friends suffering from depression or bi-polar disorder. Often, whenever they share their feelings, I refrain from giving advice, and rather play the role of listener or supporter. Essentially, they don't need a lot of advice, because they have sense enough to already know, I won't say to them things like "That's not such a big deal!" I find most of them are thoughtful, perfectionist, caring towards others, and put a lot of responsibility on themselves, but they often feel as though they're not good enough, that they don't love enough. As a result, it's easy to reproach themselves and develop depression.


      That night, I entered a heavy door, passed through the guards' thorough security check, then passed through another cold iron door, and entered the mental hospital to visit a friend having an episode of bi-polar disorder. This place had a feeling of being trapped, completely isolated from the outside. Down a long corridor lined with several rooms, patients inside seem to each live in their own structural worlds, each living on their own mysterious planets.


      When I saw my friend, her mood had already stabilized greatly; she was sitting on the bed, folding paper stars. She used colorful strips of elongated paper, and with her skilled hands folded each star. She had brilliant bags of paper stars; she told me every star represented a blessing. This was how she passed the depression while hoping for a swift discharge.


      After her release, she took those bags of paper stars she made at the hospital and gave them to her friends, to thank everyone for their concern. I still remember when she gave me a bag of paper stars, she spoke to me sincerely, "Each paper star represents a blessing, I hope your dreams come true!" I was moved when I heard this, and I felt that while she was in her hospital room unable to see starry skies, in reality she saw many, many shining stars! Because it was a "labor of love"!


      From that day on, because of this bag of paper stars, my children set out on the journey of their dreams! Whenever they do something worthy of reward, I give them a paper star as encouragement; after receiving ten paper stars, they can exchange them for a nice little gift.


      Isn't it true though? That each star represents a blessing. In the dark of night, look up to the starry sky of your own spirit. We'll have good weather tomorrow, most likely.

作者:譚亞菁 Apr. 24, 2015
Translated by Parker Gadbois

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