2016年3月15日 星期二

動與靜、靜與動 Motion and Calm

(本文刊載於基督教論壇報 2016年3月5日)


      Words are influential, even in casual conversation.
      I still remember fall a few years ago, when my eldest son was enrolled in the school's attached Kindergarten, I participated in the PTA's afternoon bike ride. During this happy bike trip on DanShui River, I heard parents casually chatting with each other, and I still remember an elementary school parent ask, "Would any of you be willing to take leave and bring your child out to play or travel?"

       I remember at that time there were two parents of 5th graders who unanimously said, "of course we would!". I immediately felt a little surprised, thinking "Taking leave to go play? That just seems a bit wrong!" Actually, there's no right answer to this question, the key is in how you approach "Learning". The contents of this conversation among parents had also unknowingly given me new inspiration. People's ideas do change. A few years later, when my eldest was in 6th grade, and my youngest was in third grade, I decided that, during the school year, to avoid the summer, winter break, and weekend crowds, I would bring my kids abroad on an independent trip for four days and three nights in Hong Kong!


       Travel is a part of life. In exploring new lands there are surprises, adventures, and happy and unhappy things. Especially traveling with the kids by myself, a mommy bringing abroad two lively little boys who are also of their own minds and not what you would call the obedient type, wasn't exactly a relaxing or simple affair. The journey was full of challenges, but it was a worthwhile and memorable journey with a mother and her sons. I remember when the three of us walked in the long narrow passages of the Hong Kong subway, something written on the wall in a line of big letters caught our attention: "Essentially, the world is just a book, and if you don't explore it, then you've only read one page!" I really like this sentence, traveling is like reading the book of the world, travel is a great process for learning in and of itself, all of it is valuable!


       Taiwan is a beautiful island, surrounded by ocean, inlaid with tall mountains. As a Taiwanese person, 'see the mountain, see the ocean' is a kind of familiar feeling. However, in the culturally diverse, and sophisticated free-trading of Hong Kong where east meets west, the most unforgettable sight to me was Hong Kong's ocean. They are both open ocean. Taiwan's ocean waves are choppy, with long stretches of shore; listening to their sounds, there is calm amidst motion. Hong Kong's ocean is tranquil and steady. Numerous small islands and boats dot the coast, the islands pure, boats of various shapes and sizes coming and going, there is motion amidst calm.

       在旅途的行進中,別只顧著趕行程,必須花時間停下腳步,靜心閱讀週遭的世界,用心捕捉觸動人心的感動,這正是一種「動中帶靜」的體驗與學習。我們都需要在安靜中沉澱,在沉澱中帶出動力。我想到聖經中的一句話:「你們要安靜 (要休息),要知道我是神」(詩篇46:10)。每當安靜地讀聖經,聆聽神的聲音時,這看似靜態的讀經時光,卻是充滿生命動力與喜悅的時刻,「靜中帶動」。

        On the road of each journey, we shouldn't merely rush through; we must spend time to stop our pace and calmly read the world around us with the intention of capturing heartwarming emotions, which is precisely a kind of 'calm amidst motion ' experience and learning. We all need to settle in peace, settling will give rise to power. I thought of a quote from the Bible: "Be still (rest), and know that I am God" (Psalms 46:10). Whenever peacefully reading the Bible, listening to the voice of God, these seemingly static times while reading, are actually moments filled with life's power and joy: motion amidst calm.


       In this moment, I am writing. The writing process appears quiet and lonely, but it is in fact lively and free, as if my spirit is on a journey of travel and adventure. Life's 'motion vs. calm' and 'calm vs. motion' flows back and forth with the tapping of keystrokes...

作者:譚亞菁 Feb.20, 2016

Translated by Parker Gadbois

2 則留言:

  1. 上星期主日崇拜中,巽正牧師分享訊息,題目是:夢想的旅程。他勉勵會眾在旅行時不要匆忙地趕路,急著到達目的地,要享受旅程中的美好。

    1. 謝謝您的分享和回應喔!真的,"在旅途的行進中,別只顧著趕行程",人生各個階段,都有各自的風景,值得細心品味。 :)
