2013年10月16日 星期三

又見鐵達尼號 Another Look at the Titanic

(本文刊載於台灣醒報 2013年9月27日)
      彷彿穿越時光隧道,我手持一張仿造當年鐵達尼號(TITANIC)的登船證,重返一百年前由白星航運公司(WHITE STAR LINE)打造的超級豪華巨輪,那艘當時世界第一,高度相當於11層樓,號稱「永不沉沒」的鐵達尼號郵輪。

      As if I've traveled through a time warp, my hand holds a replica of a boarding pass for the Titanic, going back a hundred years to when the White Star Line built a super luxury ship. In those days, that ship was no. 1 in the world, the height of an 11 story building, the Titanic, known as the "unsinkable" ship.


        I took the "Titanic Artifacts" world tour exhibition on its last day, accompanied by my own imagination and all the shock and emotion given to me by the historical romance film "Titanic". I journeyed a hundred years into the past, and examined actual artifacts relating to this "dream boat", as well as the precious relics excavated by modern explorers from the shipwreck site and debris, over three thousands meters under the sea.


As I looked at the wall hung with picture after picture of black and white photographs and captions, saw the hull models and blueprints, examined remnants recovered from the deep sea: hull parts, daily necessities, ornaments, clothing, letters and other artifacts; at the same time, experiencing a replicated walkthrough of the first class, second class, and third class quarters and daily diet, and even as I came in contact with an iceberg, to experience its intense bite of cold and despair...at that time, in that moment, I seemed to be the embodiment of the ship's passengers, immersed in experiencing the pomp, joy, and dreams, the luxury and class, and the tragedy of human nature on the Titanic's maiden voyage.


Although the poignant love story of the characters Jack and Rose from the movie Titanic is fictional, but the real story of the passengers on board is just as soul-stirring. This luxury liner set sail from England's Southampton to New York. Different 'classes' of passengers used different entrances. In the first-class quarters, most passengers were among the top tier social elite, the world's most influential, wealthiest, and sophisticated people. Passengers in the second class cabin were mostly middle class, newly married, as well as people who were on vacation. The third class cabin, however, was packed full of various ethnicities and different nationalities, planning to go to North America in search of a better life, in pursuit of the American dream. The movie Titanic depicts a poor boy Jack who, with no regard for class distinction, falls in love with the rich girl Rose, and brings her to a renewed enjoyment of the freedom and dignity of life, a sacrificial love, that will always protect her, saving her completely!    

I looked at the passenger's real information on the back of the "boarding pass" I had received, he was a second-class passenger, 32 years old at that time, he had already worked hard in America for a while, his occupation was construction craftsmen, and he had just returned to his hometown in England to marry his sweetheart. Before the Titanic set sail, they had only been married a few days, they were one pair among the 20 or so newlyweds on board the ship.


At the exhibition exit there was a huge wall, which had all of the passengers' names aboard the Titanic at that time. The Titanic sank on April 15, 1912 at 2:20 in the early morning. Out of all 2,228 people, only 705 were saved; 1523 people were killed. The front of this enormous wall was packed with the visiting public, everyone taking their "boarding pass", and among the dense list of names on the wall, searched for the recorded name of the passenger from the back of the "boarding pass" in their hand, wanting to understand what that passenger's fate was when the ship sank.


All the gold in the world can't buy hindsight! At that time almost everyone believed that this was an 'unsinkable' ship, so there were only enough lifeboats on board for one third of the passengers to use. Later, when the Titanic sank after accidentally hitting an iceberg, over 1500 people were lost at sea, and the saddest part is, there were twenty lifeboats nearby, but only one choose to return to save others. Out of the passengers lost at sea, only six were rescued, a majority of people, due to treading in freezing waters, experienced hypothermia and died.


I once again took a close look at the passenger information on the back of "boarding pass" in my hand, which had the full names of both this passenger and his new wife. As I stood in front of that wall searching for their names, I suddenly felt so sad, I thought, "when this luxury cruise ship collided with an iceberg in the frigid Atlantic, out of the twenty or so newlyweds on board, we don't know how many were just like Jack and Rose from the movie 'Titanic', with original sweet encounters friendships and time together, suddenly changed into an unforgettable parting, never to meet again. In the serious shortage of lifeboats situation, under the gentleman's sentiment of "woman and children first" to escape, most of the people rescued were women and children. We don't know how many men parted with their wives and children forever on the boat, how many families, how many lovers were forced into eternal separation. Who knows how many of those dreams were broken. Among this crowded list of passengers, we cannot know all the moving, sad stories hidden behind them.


I decided to stop looking for their names and fate, and just let myself imagine that both of them were rescued safely, going about their happy lives together! From another perspective, all of the passengers recorded on this wall, whether they were saved or became victims at that time, have all already parted with this world. The last sole survivor of the Titanic, who at the time was still a baby, had passed away in 2009. Everything in this world will pass, but the book of Revelation mentions the "book of life" again and again, and Jesus also said to his disciples "rejoice that your names are written in heaven" (Luke 10:20). Perhaps we really should take note of this "Kingdom of Heaven Citizens Roster", and seriously consider this question: Is your name recorded in "The Book of Life"?

        鐵達尼號沈船之前,船上樂團仍盡職地演奏著樂曲,撫慰人心,電影「鐵達尼號」也呈現了這動人的一幕:當樂團演奏最後一首聖詩「與主更親近」(Nearer My God to Thee),在鐵達尼號陡斜的甲板上,有一名神父為即將罹難的旅客們禱告,求主赦免他們一生的罪過,他向主祈求說:「我看見新天新地,之前的天地不見了,人們成為祂的子民,上帝將與他們同在,做他們的神,上帝將擦乾他們的眼淚,不會再有死亡,沒有悲傷哭泣,也不會再有痛苦,先前的世界已成過去……」。

Before the Titanic sank, the ship's orchestra still dutifully played music, to pacify people. The movie "Titanic" also presents this touching scene: When the musicians play their last hymn "Nearer My God to Thee", on the steep deck of the Titanic, a priest says a prayer for the soon to be perished travelers, praying to pardon the sins of their lives, he prayed to the Lord " I see a new heaven and a new earth, when the old heaven and earth disappear, the people will become His people, and God will be with them and be their God. He shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, there shall be no more death, sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former world has passed away."


Life is like a vast ocean, and we are all passengers aboard the Titanic, we all need redemption. We see the iceberg ahead, and we foolishly believe that we have eluded the iceberg ahead, thinking we already have peace and safety, thinking there isn't a problem....turns out that we only see the iceberg above the sea, which is merely the tip of the iceberg, we've already hit the jagged iceberg below the surface, and we don't even know it! We all need to sit in a lifeboat, we all need to be redeemed! Let us not fall into the eternal cold and darkness.....

作者:譚亞菁 Sep. 25, 2013

Translated by Parker Gadbois

2013年9月18日 星期三

發現驚喜 Discovering Surprises

(本文刊載於基督教論壇報 2013年5月4日,第3490期)

      Since the days as a student till now, whether it's the six years of junior and senior high boarding school, or the uncountable amount of times participating in outdoor group camping, living together with classmates and friends is truly an incredibly interesting experience. Especially at night, there are more opportunities to settle the state of mind from an entire day, to share with others over a long talk.


I remember one time, my roommate was a missionary. She had already lived over half a century, with her head of natural, brightly shimmering silver-grey hair, and a luminous face. Glowing with health and radiating vigor, she told me a personal moving story of her life of faith, telling me how God marvelously provided her daily necessities, how He guided and blessed her missionary work, how He orchestrated signs and wonders in her life; I listened with great interest. When she spoke of a particularly exciting experience, she would literally dance for joy, rolling over her bed laughing. Even though she was in her fifties, her jubilant appearance, magnificent spirit, and pure and hearty laughter was way more like that of a teenage girl's. Such a burst of vivaciousness for life's bliss was a pleasant surprise. From her, you can clearly feel how the verse "for the joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10), rings true.


Aside from the course of interacting with people, and the surprises it brings, at times, the ingenuity of the camp activities are also unforgettable. Among them the most deeply impressive was one time, I had returned to the dorm room, and as soon as I opened the door I found a warm little card and gift just lying in my bed for me. Then, when I made the bed, I unexpectedly found another elegant gift hidden under the pillow by accident, and then, on the coffee table near the doorway, I found a delicious midnight snack dessert! I was really so surprised when it happened, all these surprises one right after another! I remember I happily walked out of the room, lightly pacing about the dormitory hallway, immersed in the thrill of a series of surprises when suddenly, an intense thought struck my mind, and even made me stop walking to carefully consider.... 

       我的腦海裡清楚浮現出兩個字叫做「發現」,那深刻的感動就是,驚喜連連的背後,蘊藏著一個更深刻的提醒:在享受驚喜之前,要先做一個動作——「發現」驚喜!—— 驚喜連連固然好,但是你都「發現」它們了嗎?這就好比精美的禮物一直都藏在枕頭底下,但重點是你「發現」它了嗎?這又好比上帝已將各式各樣的驚喜和恩典賜給我們,它們一直都存在我們生活中,可惜我們經常忽略或視而不見。但事實上,那些驚喜和恩典一直都在我們周圍,我們沒發現絕不代表它們不存在。

That one word called "discover" had materialized clearly in my mind, profoundly moving as it is, behind pleasant surprises lies an even more profound reminder: before enjoying a surprise, first we have to take action....we have to "discover" the surprise! Pleasant surprises are indeed good, but have you "discovered" all of them? This is just like a wonderful gift that is constantly hidden under your pillow, but the point is, have you discovered it? Again, this is comparable to God who has already bestowed upon us various surprises and His grace, both of which constantly exist in our lives, and yet what a shame that we typically ignore or turn a blind eye to them. Yet in reality, the surprises and grace are always all around us, and just because we haven't discovered them, doesn't mean they don't exist.


This realization reaped endless benefits. In the days that followed, I learned more about "discovering" surprises and grace. In fact, just the wonders of nature lead to limitless exploration, like it says in the Bible from the Book of Psalms "How many are Your works Lord! In wisdom You made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures" (Psalms 104:24)


       As the saying goes, “An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening”. Morning time is really precious. That day, I was out and about earlier than usual, I passed the community's beautiful garden, waves of fresh flowers greeted my nostrils, accompanied by the exceptionally crisp morning air, I inhaled a deep breath, and at once my drowsiness vanished. I awoke. My eyes lit up. I saw the grove had many birds of different kinds and colors flying in the forest, and their unceasing shuttles between trees, twitters and whispers made it so I could not help but wonder what exactly they were chatting about, chatting so happily?


       In the morning mist, I walked out the community gate, continued down along a small hill path, I really could not believe my eyes, I actually saw the morning sunrise on the hillside, I don't know how long I hadn't seen the morning sun, the orange sun so big and round, accompanied by a misty haze, and the distant mountain landscape, it was so beautiful! I could not help but cry out to this beautiful world "Good Morning!"

       這一場日出的驚喜,也讓我不禁讚嘆神的創造,還思想到神的慈愛與保護:「白日,太陽必不傷你;夜間,月亮必不害你……你出你入,耶和華要保護你,從今時直到永遠」(詩篇一百二十一6, 8)。我想,生命中最大的驚喜,莫過於知道神愛你。

       This sunrise surprise, had also not only made me admire God's creation, but reflect upon God's love and protection "the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night...the Lord will watch over your coming and going, both now and forevermore" (Psalms 121:6, 8). I think the biggest surprise in life, is none other than knowing God loves you.

作者:譚亞菁 Apr. 21, 2013

Translated by Parker Gadbois

2013年7月24日 星期三

變與不變 Change and Constancy


        After teaching a Mandarin class that day, I arrived at a nearby MRT station, and before getting ready to board the train home, I took out a bottle of water from my backpack for a drink, but I accidentally let the lid fall on the floor. I picked up the lid and didn't make a right turn directly into the MRT, but instead walked down the passageway to the women's restroom to wash off the lid.


When I walked through the corridor, having no clue where this premonition came from, I unexpectedly felt, that maybe the seemingly unremarkable trifles in life, would open me up to different destinies, causing me to encounter all kinds of people and things, all because of a fallen water bottle cap…


        While in the restroom cleaning the cap, I suddenly heard the sound of sirens, and originally believed someone caused a false alarm, so I didn't mind. I never thought that from out of the restroom, I'd unexpectedly catch a whiff of smoke. As the smell became more and more dense, the MRT made an emergency broadcast, and I learned that a nearby high-rise was on fire, an intense fire, with puffs of black smoke billowing out, even inside the MRT station was a thick smoke cloth. I immediately wanted to escape as soon as possible, inhaling thick smoke leads to dizziness and brain swelling, when you’re almost out of breath, it can be very painful. I only wanted to jump aboard the MRT train a little faster, knowing it was a train for the opposite direction, I still sat in it to leave.


Upon entering the MRT train car, there was a feeling of being rescued. The air was still filled with the faint smell of smoke, my ears constantly heard the roar of fire trucks and ambulances whiz by, I sat in the train headed away from my destination, quietly sitting in the seat, praying for the fire, praying to God to quickly extinguish the fire, to safely rescue the trapped people.


One water bottle cap, brought to me different encounters and a different journey. It was my first time on this MRT line, gazing out the window at various scenes and fresh new people and things, but at the same time my memory brought me back to a certain day many years ago...


On that evening, I carried my six month old son back home, with mama and my already elder grandfather of 90+ years of age to eat dinner together, enjoying the happiness of spending time with four generations of family, the table full of mama's home cooked delicacies. Amidst the warm moments of talking and laughing, we suddenly heard the sound of our community's fire alarm, unceasingly broadcasting outside the room "Fire, Fire, Fire on the Sixth Floor, Please Evacuate Immediately", the pulsing sounds of urgency from the alarm and announcement made people panic. What once were happy moments, suddenly reversed into a reign of panic, especially when fleeing with a six month old baby and an elderly man in his 90s, it's even more difficult!


We ran from our home on the 16th floor to the stairwell, through all the thick smoke. We were worried that the flames and smoke would reach us, and were ultimately uncertain if we should climb up or down the stairs. I could feel the natural strength of motherhood, I had to cradle the baby in my arms and escape the fire, the child's eyes looking directly at me as if he could sense an unusual tension. I choose to run down, periodically calling back to my mother and grandfather. My mother assisted my grandfather down the stairs one step at a time, which was very painstaking and utterly helpless, that tormenting fear of you and your family engulfed in flames, is beyond words.


 I carried my baby with great difficulty down to the first floor atrium, my legs were already weak, my body and mind were completely exhausted, and it wasn't until I saw my mother helping my grandfather all the way down from the 16th floor safely, that I could really let out a sigh of relief. At this point, the atrium was packed with neighbors. Everyone doesn't usually see each other, so who would have thought that under these circumstances, we'd get to know each other through greetings and conversation. For instance, there was a kind old grandmother who spoke to me, a tired and paralyzed woman sitting on the floor, holding her baby, and said things like "my,  what a cute child, he looks just like his mother…" Conversations like this helped to close the distance between neighbors. Then I learned that the original cause of the fire on the sixth floor was because a living room television shorted out and combusted, no one was home. It really is lamentable how everything changes, and yet who has the ability to control what will happen in the next second?


Our lives are seemingly full of change, as if it's all brought about by a string of decisions (like should I go up or down, left or right), coincidence, and chance. Just as the saying goes "the greatest constant is change", but is this really so?


 I'm under the impression that I've had white hairs since my twenties, but because they were few in number, I really didn't mind, especially one time in particular, I opened the Bible to a passage which struck me, so white hair, as far as I'm concerned, can actually be a great reminder! The words appear in Matthew 5:36: "And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black." I looked at those few white hairs on my head, thinking "Yeah! I truly have no way to make one hair turn black or white, even just a single hair is out of my control." This really affirmed in me that the breath of life, the matters in life big or small, are certainly not ruled by the incompetent me, but rather by the creator of all things as described in the Bible, the one in charge of all, the Almighty God. God so loved the world, He has given each individual person a unique plan and guide for everything, so that not one thing is left to chance. Even though our world is constantly changing, God's love, faithfulness and the word of God will never change, according to Psalms "My God, You remain the same, and your years will never end" (Psalms 102:27).


In a person's life, there are high mountains, low valleys, laughter, sadness, and even dives into trials of fire. The Bible records an admirable story that talks about Daniel's three friends who didn't follow the king's orders to worship the golden idol. The king was furious, and commanded that they be tied up, and thrown into a blazing furnace. Afterwards, the king was surprised to see that there were actually four men, all unbound, travelling through the fire, all without injury, and the fourth one looked like the Son of God (Daniel 3:25), that is, the true God was with them. So, the king asked those three men to come out of the fiery furnace, and with his own eyes saw the fire had no power to hurt their bodies, their hair had not been burnt, their clothing had not changed color, and they didn't even smell of fire (Daniel 3:27). Because the three of them would rather die than worship the golden idol, and only worship and trust the true God, God was with them every step of the way, providing salvation, allowing them to be rescued from the fiery furnace.

          一個掉落的水杯蓋,帶給我一連串關於「火」的思緒 ,思考「變與不變」。無論如何,我相信「我們經過水火,神卻使我們到豐富之地(詩篇六十六12)」,這是不變的真理。  
A fallen water bottle cap, led me to a chain of thoughts regarding "fire", and to ponder "change and constancy". No matter what, I believe "we went through fire and water, but You brought us to a place of abundance" (Psalms 66:12), this is a constant truth.

作者:譚亞菁 June.02, 2013
Translated by Parker Gadbois

2013年6月21日 星期五

萬里長城萬里長 The "Great"-ness of such an Endless Wall!

身為華人世界的一份子,來到中國的萬里長城,回想著長城的歷史興衰,格外令人發思古之幽情。那一天,我懷著無比期待的心情,準備踏上萬里長城最雄偉秀麗的精華段落之一 —— 北京慕田峪長城。

Being myself a member of the Chinese world made coming to the Great Wall of China, and recollecting the history of the Great Wall's rise and fall, all the more nostalgic. That day, I held a mood of immense anticipation, and prepared to climb one of the Great Wall's most quintessential locations of majestic beauty- Beijing's Great Wall at Mutianyu.


For me, the Great Wall as it appeared in history books from my past was about as real as it could get. However, I definitely did not expect myself, in an almost thrilling and fantastic way, to be approaching step by step in front of the magnificent Great Wall……


As a result of the tight schedule for tour groups, we didn't have time to walk slowly, so we chose to take a kind of ski lift to climb atop the Great Wall. After another member of the group and I sat on the lift, I discovered that the bench didn't have any safety or protective barriers whatsoever, there was only one rail at the front which allowed your feet swing freely in the air. Then in the middle of an emerald green valley, the rocking chair lift rose toward the Great Wall, gradually going higher and higher. It was like we were sitting on a rickety swing, terrified that a backpack or camera would accidentally fall into the valley below.
However, that feeling of being high in the sky, among the valley's lush woods, green pines and cypresses at a zero distance, was really something special. It's like you more or less become Tarzan, the king of the forest, jumping from treetop to treetop. We prepared to land on the other side of the valley, as it was increasingly approaching, the Great Wall appeared even more magnificent.


Additionally, even more surprising was that, as I looked down from the chair lift, I discovered a long strip of winding slide that stretched from the Great Wall all the way to the base of the foothills. It looked like an enormous type of slide in the valley, with a team of small sleds in the winding curvy chute, shuttling around the tall and exuberant groves exactly like a scene from a fairy tale. As I sat in the chair lift on its breathtaking ascent to the Great Wall, my heart also secretly hoped that momentarily, while descending the Great Wall down the mountain, I would also become the protagonist of this fairytale, riding a small sled and sliding freely in the mountain forest! What a dream that would be!


Atop the Great Wall was a clear and boundless sky, full of power and grandeur, and scenery vast and beautiful withal. You realize how this was an important line of defense for the Chinese nation against foreign aggression, and how it has also been viewed as a world wonder of architectural history; it is just like an enormous dragon winding and wheeling around the mountains. Myself along with several members of the tour group stepped along the Wall's layers of ancient stairs, climbed up tower after tower and surmounted a cannon block across from an ancient wall, ...when suddenly, my intuition told me that it was time to follow the original path back to the entrance, because the time to reassemble was approaching and I still really wanted to take the "slide" I just saw down the mountain, and maybe a lot of tourists were lined up to ride the sleds. When I figured the time, I thought I had better take the way back.


However, a few other members wanted to keep climbing on, to ascend toward another cable car platform on the Great Wall, even holding up a guide map assuredly telling me that this other platform also had a slide I could take down the mountain. So, with a bit of skepticism, I continued to follow everyone to the other cable car. This next section of the Great Wall was incredibly steep, with the bright sun bearing down, we were only able to climb one arduous step at a time, until after some difficulty we arrived at the other cable car platform. I did not expect to suddenly notice cable cars, yet no slide. As it turned out, the member of the tour group looked at the map wrong, and so I was misled. Preoccupied with feelings of disappointment, I was more frustrated at myself for not trusting my own intuition at the time. I myself didn't even take a good look at the guide map, I just followed everyone when I could have been leisurely boarding a sled, shuttling down a slide in the mountain forest, completing the journey of my fairytale dream.


Actually, at this time we only had a half hour until the group reunited. Several members of the group had decided to take the cable car down the mountain to meet up with the others, but among them there was one member, and she really wanted to ride down the slide. We both asked one of the drink vendors on the path how much time would we need to travel back to the slide entrance on the other side of the Wall. He said the route back was basically all downhill, so about 20 minutes give or take. So, we decided to quickly run back. Perhaps there was still a chance to realize my dream! Only thing is, for the return trip we had no intent on going to the points of interest to appreciate the scenery of Great Wall and the scenic mountain views surrounding it. This return trip was hurried; we had to sprint all the way back. Originally we were two companions running together on the Great Wall, but her feet were astonishingly fast, like she had practiced flying KungFu skills before, and in no time, she disappeared without a trace.


At that time, I felt like I had been abandoned. Looking ahead at the Great Wall's winding staircase, I was all alone, feeling anxious, panting heavily while running, once again passing through all those towers, all the layers of stone steps, underneath the scorching sun, I was really able to experience first hand the "Great"-ness of such an endless wall!


Fortunately, I believe the Lord was with me all the way, otherwise I really would have been too lonely! I prayed as I ran. I discovered that the Wall's towers looked alike, and the roads looked alike, so I was worried that I would miss the slide entrance. Just as I was doubting myself about whether or not I had run too far, there was a foreigner who suddenly asked me to help him take a picture, and because this made me stop my feet, I unexpectedly noticed that around the corner, down along a narrow line of stone steps, was the entrance to the slide! I thanked God for leading me to find the way out.


Sure enough, there was a crowd of people at the entrance in a long line, and although I expended a lot of hard work to get to this point, the time to regroup was looming. After going through an internal dilemma, I chose to do the right thing, which was to board the same ski lift down the mountain, located next to the slide without any line at all, meet up on time, while saving the hope for a journey down the slide until the next time I visit! I punctually boarded the tour bus, and just happened to realize that the fast sprinter, the member who abandoned me and left, really hadn't gotten on the bus? Had she really decided to play on the slide and make an entire bus of people wait just for her? Everyone waited on her for quite some time, and even started to worry about her safety. Finally, she tiredly boarded the bus, turns out, she ran all the way across the Great Wall, sprinted too far, missed the exit, got lost on the Great Wall, and couldn't find the exit. Haste makes waste indeed.  

        這趟難忘的長城旅程,讓我深刻感受到,我們都需要找到屬於自己的生命節拍,踏著屬於你的步伐,走上屬於你的道路。我們必須清楚自己究竟想要什麼,  而非跟著人群或潮流走。我們要去聆聽內心的感動與直覺,留意神對我們的引導。在凡事講求快速的時代,我們更需要學習「活」,適時地停下腳步,找著生命的出口。

This unforgettable Great Wall tour, made me feel deeply that we all need to find our own rhythm of life, a march of your own pace, taking the path which belongs to you. We must be clear on what we ultimately want, and avoid following crowds or trends. We should listen to our inner feelings and intuition, and pay attention to the God's guidance. In an era where everything emphasizes rapidity, we ought to learn "slow living", to timely stop our pace and seek the exit of life.

神行事必定有祂最好的時間和方式。聖經傳道書提醒我們:萬事都有定時,「生有時,死有時;……拆毀有時,建造有時;哭有時,笑有時;哀慟有時,跳舞有時……尋找有時,失落有時;保守有時,捨棄有時;……神造萬物,各按其時成為美好,又將永生安置在世人心裏」(傳道書三2-4, 6, 11
Acts of God undoubtedly are His best time and way. Ecclesiastes reminds us, there is a time for everything: "there is a time to be born, and a time to die......a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance...a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away......God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men" (Ecclesiastes 3:2-4, 6, 11)


Can you hear the rhythm of life that belongs to you? It's like a drum beating from your heart, shaking your spirit!

作者:譚亞菁 Mar. 4, 2013
Translated by Parker Gadbois

2013年5月22日 星期三

月亮隨筆 Some Thoughts About The Moon

"Moon Cross" Illustrated by Andrew Lin


Since ancient times, humans have never stopped their imaginations and exploration of the moon. The first person on the moon, the American astronaut Neil Armstrong, spoke these words when he set foot on the moon's surface "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", which to this day are still relished by people. When he viewed Earth from the surface of the moon, he saw that the Earth looked like a beautiful blue orb, a bright blue jewel, hanging on the black velvet sky of the universe. The shock of this beauty also occurs on planet Earth whenever people lift their heads and gaze at the luminous moon. The Earth and moon face each other at a distance and mutually appreciate each other's beauty.


The joys of looking at the moon are not limited to the Mid-Autumn Festival. After a meal on an ordinary evening, my mother and I were casually wandering about. We strolled down toward the school's observation deck across from home, which overlooks Taipei’s nighttime cityscape. However, to our surprise, the moon that evening was unexpectedly more fascinating than the skyline. Basically, the moon was simply too big, too bright, too round! It seemed like it hadn't climbed that high, and it being especially close to us, my mother and I could not help but begin to suspect: is this moon real or fake, could this be the true moon? The moonlight that night looked like the backdrop of a stage play, just as beautiful as it was unreal.

月亮是充滿詩意的。它的光芒是溫柔、慈愛的。難怪以月亮入詩、入歌的例子,不勝枚舉。我耳邊響起那首兒時童謠:「母親像月亮一樣,照亮我家門窗,聖潔多麼慈祥,發出愛的光芒……。」 是啊!多麼感謝神賜給我們母親。

The moon is richly poetic. Its light is gentle and loving. No wonder why instances of the moon in poetry and song are endless. My ears could hear that childhood nursery rhyme: "Mother is like the moon, illuminating the doors and windows of my home, holy and so kind, shining the light of love" Yes! We're so grateful to God for giving us mothers.


My mom is a gentle, loving, lively and optimistic mother. She always looks like she's ten years younger than her real age. That's because her motto is "Live till you're old, learn till you're old", so she's still young at heart. She loves to enjoy beautiful things, she loves the rich colors of nature, she loves reciting the "painting in poetry" style poems from the Tang and Song dynasties. The great qualities in my mother's life help me cultivate beautiful insights, learn to maintain a high level of curiosity toward things, and enjoy the pleasure of learning. From when I was young, all the way until after I had grown up, my mother was never stingy in giving me praise and encouragement, which inadvertently allowed me to establish a good self-image, and also let me better understand how to sincerely appreciate, praise and inspire others. Additionally, in everyday life, if there is anything good to eat, mom will always want to share with me, to enjoy together. She likes quietly sitting across from me, watching me with a smile while I eat, asking me if its delicious. She'll see my content expression while eating, and seeing me happy, makes her happy too! A mother's love and kindness is hard to put into words, and yet can be spoken about endlessly...


Especially after I became a mother, I was more able to deeply appreciate the power of love. To love children, is to take children to pray and receive the blessings of heaven. One night, after taking my child to finish his evening prayers before bed, my child suddenly and excitedly pointed his finger out the window, saying to me "mommy look, moon cross!" I immediately looked out the window at the bright moon, and actually saw the moon's light on four sides emitting a cross, so holy and beautiful, it was unbelievable! To us, the shining light displayed the crucifix, radiating our Savior's loving glory, bringing my child and me together to experience the love of the Heavenly Father, and that which comes from God—the miracle of love!

作者:譚亞菁 May.08, 2013
Translated by Parker Gadbois

2013年5月9日 星期四

海中漫步的心靈之旅 A Spiritual Journey Roaming Under the Sea

        記得多年前,有一句關於米製品的經典廣告詞——「有點黏又不會太黏」,這句話似乎也可以應用在婚姻關係中。如果夫妻雙方各以一個圓圈作代表,理想的婚姻關係應該是兩者有彼此重疊交集的部份,但又保有各自的圓圈。假如兩者完全重疊,就喪失了自我;兩者完全分開,形成兩個分開獨立的圓,那麼這樣和單身狀態有何不同? 一位奧地利詩人理爾克(Rainer Maria Rilke)所說的一句話,確實讓人眼睛為之一亮:「當我們接受『甚至最親密的人之間仍有無限的距離』這現實,我們便能奇妙地結伴共處。」這句話蘊藏了夫妻雙方、兩個獨立個體之間相互包容、體諒和成全夢想

        I remember many years ago, there was a classic ad slogan about rice products - "a little sticky, yet not too sticky". It's as if this phrase could also be used in a marital relationship. If both husband and wife were each represented by a circle, the ideal marital relationship should have two parts that overlap and intersect each other, but still retain their own respective circles. Suppose both completely overlap, then there's a loss of self; and if both are completely separate, forming two separate independent circles, then how would that be any different from being single? The phrase of an Austrian poet, Rainer Maria Rilke, will truly put a twinkle in our eyes, "Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living side by side can grow." This quote encompasses both husband and wife, sharing mutual tolerance, understanding, and the fulfillment of dreams between two independent individuals!


        One day, my husband and I both shared our most recent little dreams. He said he'd like to go to the mountains by himself and camp a few days in seclusion, while I wanted to take a plane and travel abroad, because it just seems like after having kids, that I haven't gone abroad for a stroll in a long time! I took this little wish and put it in a prayer. How marvelous, that only after a few weeks, I won a birthday gift from my credit card--a five day tour in Thailand!  I knew this was a journey prepared for me by God. Of course, I would also like to thank my husband's help, taking care of two young children at home, allowing me to relax and enjoy this rare and bountiful tour!


        I boarded Thai Airways, and flew over the South China Sea to Bangkok, Thailand. The moment the plane landed, I was all the more happy, because I had set foot on another piece of land in this world. This to me was a country full of wonder. Leaving the airport, I was greeted by colorful taxis of all shapes and sizes. Here was definitely a passionate country with a deep affection for color. For the next few days, I broke through common life experiences and tried quite a few new things, and even had new experiences unfold flying in the sky and diving in the sea. For example, I rode an elephant, saw elephants paint and play soccer, enjoyed a Thai massage, visited the The Bridge on the River Kwai, and Boat Dwellers. I experienced flying sky high while parasailing, along with diving down into the sea depths to roam about. The most fascinating thing about traveling has to be broadening your horizons, taking you into another world that is completely out of the ordinary.


        Of all the activities, the most unforgettable had to be marching on the seabottom, for I was very curious as to what kind of landscape awaited in the deep sea-world. A group of seven people, with an extra three instructors, took a boat to some fairly deep waters. Then every person had to wear a great big heavy astro-oxygen mask, taking turns diving from the ship down into the deep sea. It was my first time to dive in such deep water. I felt nervous and a little scared, and it suddenly felt like breathing became so difficult, the water pressure so heavy, while submerged, I made a gesture toward the instructor that meant to ascend and decided to give up. I was the only person by myself up on the boat waiting for everyone, but I was drenched, alone in the boat, the ocean winds blowing a bone-chilling breeze, and all was not entirely well.


        I had no choice but to gather up the courage to once again brave the ocean depths. The second time under water, the diving instructor really took care of me, very gently, step by step taking me deeper. I tried to relax, to control my breathing. Waiting until I gave the OK gesture, the first instructor took my hand and gave it to another instructor, who then continued leading me deeper to explore. Amidst those deep waters, I was convinced I had traveled to a completely different world, I became so helpless, which made me all the more in need of support and guidance. In that process, I learned to open my arms, I learned to completely let go and trust. Finally, diving into the deepest waters, the three instructors encircled me, and were very concerned about my situation. I really had a certain feeling of receiving care and attention, of being deeply protected, and of being safely pulled along. Then, I successfully joined the other members of the group. In the ocean depths, the seven of us held hands in tandem, the mutual support from moving ahead hand in hand was very important, because if a hand went free, then a person would drift away with the force of the ocean currents, going with the flow! After that, we enjoyed the world of the sea together, with so many schools of fish swimming about. We took toast to feed the fish, many fishies swam up to eat toast, and the fish kissed my hand. That feeling of feeding fish in the ocean was wonderful! We used our water-proof camera to take photos of us with the coral reef and schools of many fishies, preserving beautiful memories of the deep ocean world.


        From the sea back to the ship, the vessel that sailed ashore, had also led us back to the land of the real world. But this time experiencing the march on the sea bottom, had been deeply imprinted in my mind, especially during the dive into deep water, that experience of overcoming fear, learning how to let go and trust, seems to also be in the back of my mind calling: give your hands unto God, allow your helpless little hands to be rest assured, put them into the great hands of God which are full of love and ability. Give everything completely to the Lord, He is always leading us step by step, both gentle and constant; even if we are in the stormy seas of life, God still surrounds us with protection, the Almighty still accompanies us on the same adventure to discover life's most beautiful treasures, so why should we feel need to worry or fear? No matter what your situation in life, don't forget, God Himself said to us "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)

作者:譚亞菁 Dec.31, 2012
Translated by Parker Gadbois

2013年4月17日 星期三

陪伴的力量 The Power of Companionship


    A dog is a man's best friend. Unfortunately, I grew up afraid of dogs. Maybe it's the experience of having been chased by a dog that makes me afraid. Maybe the uncertainty of not knowing what a dog is thinking worries me. Every time I see ahead that there's a dog approaching head-on, I always have an inexplicable fear: is it in a good mood? Is it going to dislike and attack me? So I always try to find a detour.

     One afternoon, I took my child out to DanShui's Zhuwei Toy Library. On the way to the library, we like to take a mountain path shortcut, a lane of stairs paved with stones, accompanied by the sound of a murmuring stream. Walking through this cozy stepping stone path will lead to our destination. Me and my five year old son walked hand in hand happily on our way! We didn't think that half way in, a large dog would suddenly appear on the steps ahead. I did not want to have a head-on collision with it, but just as I was about to turn my head and go, my child said to me with a voice full of confidence, "boys aren't scared of doggies, only girls are scared. I'll protect you mama!" When I heard my child say this, I immediately felt extremely moved! Even at such a young age he'll still protect his mommy! Because of my child's courage, I also became a little braver. I gathered the courage to move forward, both of us side by side: now that is the power of companionship. As we continued to walk forward, that big dog actually made way, allowing us to carry on smoothly and successfully arrive at our destination!


    This experience makes me think of the famous biblical story "David and Goliath". Similarly, the young David, in the eyes of the Philistine soldiers, was nothing more than a puny shepherd boy. But who knew that little David had such great will. He went out to face Goliath, and said to the giant: "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty." (1 Samuel 17:45) Little David only used a stone and sling to bring down the big giant. His faith in the power of God, believing that God was with him, allowed him to defeat the powerful enemy Goliath.


    What is the Goliath in your heart? It might be a hardship in your life that is difficult to overcome, a kind of great fear, depression, loneliness, sadness....We all need the power of companionship to stay with us as we carry on! The Bible mentions that God's name is "Emmanuel": “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”)" (Matthew 1:23). He is with us always, what a precious promise this is!


    Sometimes, you get a feeling like there's no one in the whole world who really understands you. Fortunately, Dear Heavenly Father is always with you. He understands all your needs, He can have a conversation with you in the back of your mind, giving you strength to break through the cocoon to emerge as a beautiful butterfly, flying free!


    God accompanies us, and gives us the power to accompany others, just as God sent my child, like a little angel, to accompany me through my fear of dogs, we today can also become the angels to others, swiftly accompanying and caring for them, because our companionship makes our surroundings a little less lonely, and a little more warm. Have you thought about who you'd like to accompany more today?

作者:譚亞菁 Dec. 13, 2012
Translated by Parker Gadbois